Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Farewell for now

Only a few days of classes stretch before us — and after that, a week of exams and we’re through. Done. Finished.

This semester has left me battered. And if the tired looks and dark circles that grace the faces of my classmates are any indication, I am far, far from being alone in that sentiment.

As the remaining days dwindle, we seem to be losing steam — as evidenced by my abandonment of this blog for the last couple of weeks.

My body is still here — mechanically carrying out the motions of life as a student. I go to class and sit in the desk, but I am doing little more than occupying space.

Part of my heart has gone home, yes. Home to Holly Pond, where I hope to spend the precious month of May with my family.

And another part of my heart — a part filled with excitement and apprehension — has taken up residence on the other side of the Earth, on a tiny Filipino island called Siquijor.

I’ll be spending roughly two months there, doing missions as a part of Nehemiah Team, and I’m thrilled and terrified about it all at the same time.

If you wish to keep tabs on me and Kenny (who will be doing Habitat for Humanity work in a different area of the Philippines all summer), we’ll be updating a blog throughout the summer. Well, I will. We’ll see how often he updates. Keep a check on this site for the link.

Thank you for reading, friends. Thank you, whomever you may be, for allowing me this place to spill out my heart. God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bethany, thank you for your uplifting editorial piece in The Chanticleer. It's great to see you being bold in your faith and outspoken about the Lord in the newspaper. I don't think I've ever seen that before at JSU. Good luck in the Philippines and with your final article. I look forward to reading it.
